We want more dogs saved from death and we want everyone to know how! Donate to produce a Public Service Announcement
(PSA) for TV.
Click here to read more

Our mission is only complete if the dogs are saved from death! The Buddy Fund is creating a Public Service Announcement (PSA) for a nationwide
television campaign aimed at reducing euthanasia and increasing adoptions of dogs in shelters.
The challenge at this stage is to raise the funds to utilize this innovative marketing approach as a way to raise awareness and save lives.
An award winning New York advertising agency has donated their creative talent but there are still many unavoidable productions costs.
Help us get the message out by donating to the DogsInDanger PSA. We need $120,000 for this project! Your donations will only be used toward the productions costs of the PSA.
Want to help us help the dogs? Make a one time donation quickly, give $75 or more and get a DogsInDanger t-shirt FREE!
Click here to read more
This is a simple and easy way for you to participate in our movement to end the killing of dogs. Enter any amount in the payment box,
click the "click here" button, you will have just become a Friend of Buddy! With our and the dogs great thanks and appreciation.
Donate $75 or more and get this t-shirt FREE!
With this method you continue to help our efforts with a fixed monthly donation. You select the amount and the number of months, we will debit your credit
card monthly and send you a notice each time. This level of giving makes you a member of the Buddy Club, a privilege that in months to come, will
include many benefits. But for now, our humble thanks will have to suffice.

Our "In Memorium" pages are a lasting tribute to the millions of dogs that sacrifice their lives behind closed doors every day. We memorialize
their names and images so that they will never be forgotten, reminding us of the lives that still hang in the balance.
You can make a memorial donation
in the name of a euthanized dog and have your name and donation displayed in our list of donors. With this gesture, you ensure that your selected dog will
be remembered while helping us with our mission to fight for the dogs still alive.
Click here for list of dogs in memorial.
Save a life and honor someone special in your life, at the same time. Could you do something more special with your money?
Perfect for holidays, birthdays, bar mitzvahs or any special occasion!
Click here to read more
A gift donation is a wonderful way to give the gift of hope for dogs in need.
When you make your donation we will send an email to the honoree, congratulating them on your behalf and on behalf
of all the dogs whose lives have been saved by the contributions of people just like you!
Buy genuine 42¢ US postage stamps with the DogsInDanger logo imprinted.
What a cool way to take care of your mailing needs, help us raise funds and pass the "animal" message
on to the far corners of the world.
Each sheet comes with 20 stamps and costs just $30!
Quantity is set on the next page
Buy a DogsInDanger logo Mousepad
Now you can keep DogsInDanger close at hand with a logo'd mousepad. This standard size mousepad measures 7.75” × 9.25” and is constructed of high-density foam, and has a stain-resistant cover, so it will stand up to wear and tear and clean easily.
Each mousepad is just $26.99!
Quantity is set on the next page
If you wish to donate by mail, please make your check payable to
The Buddy Fund, Inc. and send to:
The Buddy Fund, Inc.
1375 Broadway, Suite 601
New York, NY 10018
Getting married? How about a donation to in lieu of wedding favors. In exchange for your thoughtfulness, we will
provide you with place cards to notify your guests of your kind gesture to help homeless dogs.

Donation Amount
(Can be revised on the next page - minimum $250)
The most gratifying gift to your wedding is the gift of life. Instead of beginning a new collection of vases and toasters, begin your
new life by asking your loved ones to save another life! Click the links below, copy the highlighted text, then paste it on to your MySpace page,
Facebook, or add it to your email signature! You can also just click either banner to make your gift donation now.
On behalf of DogsInDanger and our furry friends, best wishes for your new life together.
Including The Buddy Fund, Inc. in your will or trust is a meaningful way to help stop the killing of shelter dogs.
Here are some ways to give through wills and trusts:
- Leave a specific dollar amount
- Designate that a percentage of your estate be given through your will or living trust.
- Give only the remainder, or residue, of your estate—that which remains after bequests to loved ones have been made.
- Provide for a gift of specific property-real estate, stocks or other items.
An individual may designate that a bequest be used for the general purposes of The Buddy Fund, Inc., or go to support a specific program.
The following is a suggested form for such a bequest:
“I give and bequeath to The Buddy Fund, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation, with principal offices presently located at 1375 Broadway, Suite 601,
New York, New York, 10018, the sum of $________, to be used for the accomplishment of its general purposes (or for a specific purpose, as indicated).”
Our Federal Tax ID# is 20-2190490
Retirement assets are one of the most beneficial gifts you can give to The Buddy Fund, Inc.
Contributions that have been made over the years to an IRA
or other qualified plan have been growing tax-free within the plan. If left to an individual, these funds may be subject to both estate tax and income
tax, which greatly reduces the value of the asset. If left to a charity, such taxes are usually avoided.
Your retirement plan’s administrator can
provide a beneficiary form for you to name The Buddy Fund, Inc. as your sole or partial beneficiary. The information you will need to include about
The Buddy Fund, Inc. is as follows:
The Buddy Fund, Inc.
1375 Broadway, Suite 601
New York, NY 10018
Federal Tax ID# 20-2190490
For more information please contact Alex Aliksanyan, president of The Buddy Fund, Inc., at (212) 704-2191, or by email at
All inquiries are held in the strictest of confidence. We encourage you to consult with your legal and financial advisors when considering a planned gift.
Thank you for caring, and helping us see a day when adoptable dogs are no longer routinely killed simply because they do not have a home.